She Shed

I am pretty sure You have heard of Man Caves before, but have you heard of Women Cave, Diva Dens, or She sheds? Just Think about it. Some Men have an ultimate getaway right inside the house, a sort of refuge to their nest when the rest of the house is in slight hysteria. Well, maybe panic is a bit too much, but you know what I am getting at.

So, close your eyes and imagine your very own oasis located right outside, a tiny She Shed decorated with you in mind. Let your mind wander a bit and think about getting away to a peaceful place where music is playing, and you are enjoying a glass of wine while your feet are nestled in a foot massager. Must I say more?

Imagine the She Shed with a warm wall, pops of colorful

throw pillows

, and a comfy

love seat

adorned with small figurines and an entertainment corner just in case you decide to invite your girlfriends over for a small get together. You can design your Shed with your specific taste in mind or venture over to Pinterest and become inspired by the array of beautiful sheds. I was inspired by the design style of these Pinterest hosts.

Keep an open mind when you are creating your little getaway. Why not incorporate your hobby into your Shed, for instance? If you are a Yoga lover, you can have a small yoga studio. Or maybe you have always wanted a sewing room or art studio.

You will have to organize your space by implementing shelves and innovative tables with drawers and purchasing furniture that serves more than one purpose. Please keep in mind that this is a place of serenity, not “clutter” She Sheds can be high in price. Home Depot price for a Wood Storage Shed Kit 16 ftx10 ft. $3,679.00-$399.oo and you fellow budgetnista’s like me, Wayfair has a massive sale on their sheds, I found a Plastic 20 ft, Wx8 ft, flash sale for $1559.99.

If you want to add a little excitement to your Shed and make a statement, check out some of these great items that I know will spark your fancy!

Mini Pink Chandelier $79.99 plus free shipping on Amazon

Personalized She Shed Plaque $22.99 on Etsy, star seller: Blue Fox Gifts

She Shed Floor Mat

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